::: 【味全龍主場賽事及售票事宜,請洽共享棒球股份有限公司,02-77551999。】 【 2025雙北世壯運今年2月17日開放報名,滿30歲即可參賽。】 【防範登革熱,請落實「巡、倒、清、刷」,主動清除孳生源!】【獎勵研究報告徵件延長,詳臺北市研考會網站】【地震速報演練,臨震應變「趴下、掩護、穩住 Earthquake Disaster Drill」】
  • 臺北捷運:淡水線芝山站下車,主場賽事期間捷運站外有棒球專車直達棒球場;捷運接駁紅15;淡水線士林站下車,捷運接駁紅12。
  • 自行開車:中山高速公路台北交流道下,取重慶北路過百齡橋接中正路,直行至中山北路左轉(需迴轉)向北,於忠誠路右轉順行至大葉高島屋百貨公司即可。
  • MRT:
    Tamsui-Xinyi Line (R Line) to Shilin Station, exit 1.
    Then Take Bus R12 from Shilin Station (Zhongzheng) to Tianmu Baseball Stadium (Zhongcheng).
  • Drive:
    Get off at Chongqing Interchange of Sun Yat-sen Freehighway(Toll road) towards Shilin-->Chongqing North Road, cross Bailing Bridge and go straight to Zhongzheng Road-->Turn left at Zhongshan North Road (need to turn around) and make a U turn north-->Cross Fulin Bridge to Zhongzheng Road Go straight to Dayeh Takashimaya Department Store to arrive at Tianmu Baseball Stadium.
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