::: 【味全龍主場賽事及售票事宜,請洽共享棒球股份有限公司,02-77551999。】 【 2025雙北世壯運今年2月17日開放報名,滿30歲即可參賽。】 【防範登革熱,請落實「巡、倒、清、刷」,主動清除孳生源!】【獎勵研究報告徵件延長,詳臺北市研考會網站】【地震速報演練,臨震應變「趴下、掩護、穩住 Earthquake Disaster Drill」】








(一) 除營運管理單位提供之設備器材外,其餘物品應自備,使用完畢後,應如數歸還及回復原狀。

(二) 使用場地有張貼海報、宣傳標語或其他文宣品等必要者,應先經營運管理單位許可後,始得於指定地點張貼。未經營運管理單位許可,不得使用漿糊、膠紙、圖釘或其他可能污損場地之物品於場地內外之牆面、地板及其他設備。活動結束後應立即回復原狀。

(三) 未經營運管理單位許可,不得擅接電源或使用電器用品。

(四) 使用場地有搭建臺架及電器設備等必要時,應先經營運管理單位許可後,始得於指定地點搭建,活動結束後應立即回復原狀。

(五) 申請人未經營運管理單位許可,不得擅自將已租借場地之一部或全部轉讓他人使用。

(六) 不得有攀爬、破壞管理範圍內既有設施設備、公共藝術及植栽等之行為。

(七) 不得有政治性活動、選舉宣傳、任何涉及公職人員競選旗幟、布條、海報等之設置,活動場所亦禁止政黨、公職候選人或其支持者之造訪活動。

(八) 於期限內繳納使用費、保證金或其他費用。

(九) 不得使用火把、爆竹或其他危險物品。但經營運管理單位同意或另有特別規定者,不在此限。

(十) 活動內容不得危害民眾健康或建築物安全。

(十一) 在指定地點及核准時限內辦理活動。

(十二) 活動內容應與許可內容相符。

(十三) 活動期間應負責場地內外秩序、設備、公共安全、交通及環境衛生之維護。

(十四) 不得有其他違反法令、公序良俗或致生營運管理單位損害之情事。

















(一) 使用時段:非經營運管理單位同意,應依下列時段使用。




(二) 棒球場:














9、販售店 (元/時段):












(三)本基準表所列費用凡係以每小時計收者,如使用未滿1小時,則以1小時計;如超過1小時以上,則以每半小時(即每30分鐘)為計算單位,未滿半小時,以 半小時計。












(二)攤位費(3 *3公尺,營利或販售行為):每日每攤5,000元;非營利使用免費。




(二)非體育活動:每時段16,000元,僅使用一壘側(鄰士東路) 或三壘側(鄰忠誠路)騎樓,每時段各4,000元

(三)水電費:每小時500元,僅使用一壘側(鄰士東路) 或三壘側(鄰忠誠路)騎樓,每小時250元


1. WDragons Baseball Stadium Co., Ltd. is entrusted by the Department of  Sports, Taipei City Government.  To operate and maintain the Tianmu Baseball Stadium and outdoor square. Therefore, We had formulated Rules of rental and activities for users to follow.

2. The following area includes Tianmu Baseball Stadium, outdoor square and the surrounding sidewalk area, but does not include the bus shelter, as the "Scope" for short.

3. As for Scope could be rented for events and sports activities. It shall be charged with the rate scale, which had approved by the Department of  Sports, Taipei City Government.

4. Outdoor square is for free while public and leisure used by unspecified people. If it is used for the activities of specific people, it must be approved by our company, and the fee will be charged.

5. While using or borrowing our scope, shall abide by the following reminds:

(1) Except for the equipment and equipment provided by our company, other items should be prepared by yourself, and after use, they should be returned and restored to their original state.

(2) If it is necessary to put up posters, publicity slogans or other promotional materials in the use site, it should be approved by our company before it can be put up at the designated place. Without the permission of our company, paste, tape, thumbtacks or other items that may damage the site shall not be used on the walls, floors and other equipment inside and outside the site. It should be returned to its original state immediately after the event.

(3) Without the permission of our company, it is not allowed to connect the power supply or use electrical appliances.

(4) When it is necessary to build benches and electrical equipment in the use site, it should be approved by our company before it can be built at the designated location, and it should be restored to its original state immediately after the event.

(5) Without the permission of our company, the applicant shall not transfer part or all of the leased site to others for use.

(6) No act of climbing or destroying existing facilities, public art and planting within the management scope.

(7) There shall be no political activities, election publicity, any installation of banners, banners, posters, etc. involving the election of public officials. Visiting activities by political parties, candidates for public office or their supporters are also prohibited at the venue.

(8) Pay usage fees, security deposits or other fees within the time limit.

(9) Torches, firecrackers or other dangerous items shall not be used. However, if our company agrees or there are other special regulations, this limitation is not applicable.

(10) Activities shall not endanger public health or building safety.

(11) Handle the activities at the designated location and within the approved time limit.

(12) The content of the activity should be consistent with the content of the license.

(13) During the event, they shall be responsible for the maintenance of order, equipment, public safety, traffic and environmental sanitation inside and outside the venue.

(14) Ilegal, violations of laws and regulations, public order and customs, or produce any damage to our company are Prohibited.

Those who violate the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be held responsible according to the law. When necessary, our company may persuade improvement or order it to stop using it immediately, and may forcibly dismantle it, restore it to its original state, or report to the law enforcement agency to take necessary measures. The required expenses shall be borne by the applicant If it causes damage to our company, it shall be liable for damages.

Our company shall not be responsible for keeping the items carried by the applicant.

6. Applicants using the venue should submit an event application to our company 30 days before the date of use. When applying for the permission of our company in the preceding paragraph, the applicant should pay the venue usage fee and other fees within 10 days after the permission to use the venue, and should follow the law of public insurance, our company may request the insurance receipt.

7. If the applicant fails to use the license as scheduled, except that the applicant cannot be held responsible, the user shall inform our company to cancel the use 10 days before the date of use, and the paid venue use fee and other fees will be refunded without interest ; If the applicant fails to use the venue as scheduled after obtaining the permit, and fails to inform our company unit to cancel the use of the venue in accordance with the provisions of this article, the deposit that has been paid will not be refunded.

8. In the management area, if a majority of people apply for the use of the same venue at the same time, the principles of the use order are as follows, but our company can still make discretionary decisions according to the actual situation:

(1) International baseball events which are held by WBSC

(2) Professional baseball events which are held by CPBL

(3) Other international and national baseball events

(4) Baseball events which are held by Taipei City Government

(5) Baseball training

(6) Other sports activities

9. For public welfare use, the application should be submitted to the Department of  Sports, Taipei City Government during the period of accepting applications for public welfare use according to the announcement each year. After the public welfare application is approved , the events or activities must comply the application. While the violation occurs,  our company will report to the Department of  Sports, Taipei City Government to cancel the qualification, and the venue use fee and other fees will be calculated according to the normal charging standard.

10. If there are unexpected issue in these regulations, our company reserves the right to explain, and may revise these regulations at any time with approval by the Department of  Sports, Taipei City Government.

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